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What Is A Self-Winding Watch? (Exploring the Automatic Watch Movement)

による Karina Kasparova

If you have ever wondered what a self-winding watch is, then you are at the right place to learn everything there is to know about...


What Is A Mechanical Watch? (A Guide to Winding Watches)

による Karina Kasparova

The mechanical watch movements might not be as popular as they used to be, but they deserve a lot of appreciation. After all, it is...

How to remove links from a watch: Easy step-by-step guide

How to remove links from a watch: Easy step-by-step guide

による Radina Vladimirova

If you don’t want to make the trip to a watch repair shop, this guide walks you through the steps to remove watch links at...

How to get moisture out of a watch

How to get moisture out of a watch

による Radina Vladimirova

Getting moisture inside your watch is something that can happen even if you had not taken your watch near water (more on that later). This...

3 Types of Watch Movements: Quartz, Automatic and Manual Movements

3 Types of Watch Movements: Quartz, Automatic and Manual Movements

による Radina Vladimirova

A good watch is like an iceberg. You see enough on the wearer’s wrist to know what’s happening, but the real deal is under the surface....

What to Do with Old Watches

What to Do with Old Watches

による Radina Vladimirova

Watches and vintage jewelry are the kind of items that can truly increase their value over time when being taken care of in the right...

A Guide to Watch Engraving

A Guide to Watch Engraving

による Radina Vladimirova

Engraved watches add a level of thoughtfulness and personality. Here are some tips on what to keep in mind.


What Your Watch Says About You (6+ Pointers for Watch Wearers)

による Christopher Day

We have always been taught never to judge a book by its cover. When it comes to shoes and watches, they are usually enough to...


How Do Automatic Watches Work?

による Christopher Day

The automatic watch might be a kind of mechanical watch, but they are not the manual-winding types that first made the market. Even though quartz...

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