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Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation

By now, you've either experienced or are going through what seems like an endless period of isolation due to COVID-19. Fear not. In this article, I'll share with you tips on staying positive and busy during these challenging times!

Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash.

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues, it is crucial to slow and eventually stop the spread of this virus, and to do so, officials around the globe in affected areas are asking people to stay at home. Many of us are working remotely from the comforts of our isolation chambers; I meant homes, which can be a challenge for both people with and without kids. 

Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Scheier .hr on Unsplash.


If you have a live-in partner, roomies, or live alone, you may find yourself wondering what to do when you're not working remotely, if your respective jobs permit it, with all of your time at home, unable to frequent your local bars, cafes, or shopping malls-you can't even hit the gym. So what gives, should you resort to just being a couch potato? Well, you could, but what about the following:

Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.

  • Take an online course. We all can stand to sharpen our skills or learn a new one, what better time to do it than now?
  • Focus on your health. Why not take this time to catch up on your sleep, or begin better health practices like eating better and taking vitamins. If your trips to the gym aren't possible due to safety measures against COVID-19, see what exercises you can do in the comfort of your living room. 
  • Get lost in a hobby. Depending on how long you've been in isolation, you might be feeling quite restless. Hang in there and pass the time in that book that you've meant to read, or dare I say now's a perfect time to binge-watch? 
  • Schedule a virtual party with your friends through your favorite video chat platform, or catch an upcoming local musician or your favorite musician give a virtual concert, all in the comfort of your living room, or wherever you watch tv.
Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash.

Self-Isolation: Just Add Kids

As a parent of two young boys, my wife and I don't know the meaning of the word, boredom. rIn fact, it's the exact opposite, which means if you're a working parent like me, you're constantly engaging with your little ones, while trying to impress the bosses. Surviving this isolation period if your kids are under the age of five will take a bit more planning and patience due to tantrums, feeding them, engaging, and just reassuring them through this difficult time. 

I hope that through the challenging efforts of balancing work and family during this isolation period will help us during otherwise times manage the work-life balance a bit easier. 

Here are some tips on making it through this time. The first thing I would suggest is to keep as many of your routines with the children as you can. Try not to stress if those routines fall out of sync. They are more there as practices to fall back on. 

Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash.

Here are some practical ways of staying sane with kids in your home during this isolation period: 

  • As for working remotely with kids in the house, work in intervals that suit giving attention to your kids and giving your partner a break also to work and keep their sanity.
  • Do small projects with them that are engaging. That way, when you return to your remote work, they will be better suited to play on their own.
  • Work when they go to bed. Yes, a little down-time for you and your partner during this self-isolation period is essential to all of our well-being. You're on mentally and physically, from the time you wake until your children go to sleep, so make sure to take some time to shift from arranging and keeping order.
  • Keep your place tidy by picking up by doing it in 10-minute increments, and before you know it, your chores won't seem so overwhelming.
Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Amelie & Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash.


What this all comes down to is the urgency for us to abide by the strict rules of authorities and practice social distancing. If you have to go grocery shopping or are taking a walk to get some fresh air outside, remember that though you may not be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, you could be a carrier and pass it onto someone else.

So, continue to practice social-distancing, but the best way is to remain at home. Let's beat this nasty pandemic together, but over there, together. You get my point, #stayathome! 

Keeping Busy In Self-Isolation, Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash.

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